Popular television actor Ravi Dubey said he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus and is under home quarantine. The 37-year-old actor took to Instagram on Monday night to share his diagnosis.

He urged all those who came in contact with him to closely monitor themselves.

"Hi guys just got my report it’s positive would advise anyone who has come in close contact with me in the past few days to take care of themselves and monitor their symptoms if any... I have isolated myself and am in care of my near and dear ones," he wrote.

The actor asked everyone to stay optimistic amid such testing times.

"Stay safe ..stay positive (as in stay optimistic) god bless us all,” he wrote.

On Monday, Mumbai reported 1,782 new cases, taking the tally to 6,77,412 while the overall fatality count stood at 13,855, the state health department said.

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