Salman Khan, who is busy promoting Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai these days, during a virtual press meet, revealed that his sisters Arpita Khan Sharma and Alvira Khan Agnihotri tested positive for coronavirus. According to a report in The Indian Express, the actor said that both of them contracted the virus but were asymptomatic. Sharing the incident at the conference, he urged fans to take care of themselves and stay home.

After the revelation, Arpita took to social media and clarified that she had tested positive at the beginning of April. Salman’s sister added that she followed all the guidelines and protocols and by God’s grace, she has fully recovered now.

Arpita is married to Aayush Sharma who debuted with the 2018 film Loveyatri. The two have a son together named Ahil Sharma and a daughter, Ayat Sharma.

During the conference, Salman shared that he is yet to receive his second shot of the COVID-19 vaccine. The actor was administered his first shot while his parents, Saleem Khan and Salma Khan, have taken both the jabs of the vaccine.

He also spoke about the necessity of the vaccine. Salman said that getting vaccinated does not mean that we are not going to catch the virus. He further shared that it will simply build our immunity to fight against the virus.

Salman’s much-awaited film Radhe, featuring Disha Patani as the leading lady, is set to release on 13 May simultaneously in a few theatres and on ZeePlex on pay per view basis. The 55-year-old actor has expressed his wish to release the film in theatres whenever the pandemic ends, reported WION.

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