OpenAI’s chatbot, ChatGPT has gained quite traction on social media in the past few months, thanks to its smart and informed responses to practically every question submitted to it by users. With the AI-powered chatbot taking the world by storm, it has got almost everyone including those in classrooms, boardrooms, and even social media. Amid all the queries, no one would have thought about ChatGPT giving a solution to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Former Indian foreign secretary and writer Vikas Swarup is the one who went on to ask the AI bot to come up with a plan to resolve the war and guess what? The chatbot drafted an 8-point solution that can be implemented to bring the war to an end.

From decentralising power in the Russian-speaking regions to international monitoring of the agreements implemented following the negotiations, the ChatGPT-generated response looks quite impressive and got the internet talking. It also caught the attention of Congress MP Shashi Tharoor who reshared the screenshot of the response, calling it an “interesting experiment.”

“Interesting initiative by Vikas Swarup, but as he knows, in conflicts leaders are irrational in ways beyond AI’s comprehension! In this specific case I can think of several objections from both sides, mainly the Russians, to the ChatGPT formulation. But it’s a great experiment!”, he wrote.

Former Indian diplomat asks if AI can solve the world’s biggest conflict

The former Indian diplomat while taking to Twitter shared a screenshot of the response generated by ChatGPT asking if the AI bot can come up with a mediation plan for the Russia-Ukraine War.

In a detailed plan for the same, ChatGPT noted that the Russia-Ukraine war is a “complex and long-standing issue” to which finding a solution that is acceptable to both parties is a “challenging task.”

It further suggested certain ideas including Negotiations, Ceasefire, Decentralisation, International Monitoring, Economic Assistance, Recognition of the Sovereignty of Ukraine, Cultural Protection, and finally Military Withdrawal.

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