In a proud moment for the Indian-American business community, Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google and Alphabet, was honoured with the prestigious Padma Bhushan on Friday. Pichai was handed over one of the country’s highest civilian awards by India’s ambassador to the United States, Taranjit Singh Sandhu, in the presence of his family members in San Francisco. Taking to Twitter, the Indian diplomat also shared a series of pictures where he can be seen handing over the award to Pichai and further addressing the event. Expressing his delight in handing over the Padma Bhushan to the Google CEO, Mr Sandhu wrote, “Sundar’s inspirational journey from Madurai to Mountain View, strengthening India and US economic and technology ties, reaffirms Indian talent’s contribution to global innovation.”
Take a look:
Delighted to hand over Padma Bhushan to CEO @Google & Alphabet @sundarpichai in San Francisco.
Sundar’s inspirational journey from #Madurai to Mountain View, strengthening 🇮🇳🇺🇸economic & tech. ties, reaffirms Indian talent’s contribution to global innovation
— Taranjit Singh Sandhu (@SandhuTaranjitS) December 2, 2022
In response to the tweet, Pichai thanked the Indian ambassador and said, “It was an immense honor to receive the Padma Bhushan and to have my family there with me today. Grateful to the Indian government and the people of India.”
Thank you Ambassador @SandhuTaranjitS. It was an immense honor to receive the Padma Bhushan, and to have my family there with me today. Grateful to the Indian government and the people of India.
— Sundar Pichai (@sundarpichai) December 3, 2022
Notably, the Ministry of Home Affairs on the eve of the 73rd Republic Day had announced that Sundar Pichai would be conferred with Padma Bhushan. Upon receiving the award, the Google CEO in a long blog post expressed his gratitude and said, “India is a part of me. I carry it with me wherever I go.”
Internet reacts as Sundar Pichai receives Padma Bhushan
In the meantime, as soon as the pictures were shared online, people flooded the comment section and shared their reactions. Many expressed their pride over Pichai being honoured with the award and also congratulated him for the achievement. One wrote, “I think that’s a beauty of Democracy where 2 nationals can express and talk freely. Also, they can show the world what Expression of self is. Nice pictures”, while another user wrote, “Heartiest Congratulations to Sundar Pichai Ji for being conferred Padma Bhushan civilian Honour from India.”
Check some more reactions:
Sir it is very delightful to see a man of Indian origin and a delegate handing over the prestigious award not in his own country whereas on homelike derived soil very pleasing to see the country moving in a good direction
— sanath prasad (@sanathprasad2) December 3, 2022
Really proud of you @sundarpichai sir, Madurai and India are proud to have you, I am also proud to be from Madurai… Wish you all the best for your next success….
— தமிழ் அஞ்சல் (@AncalTamil) December 3, 2022
I think that’s a beauty of Democracy where 2 nationals can express and talk freely. Also they can show the world like what is Expression of self. Nice pictures 🙏🏻
— Brave Banda | ਰੱਬ ਦਾ ਬੰਦਾ 🇮🇳 (@BraveBanda99) December 2, 2022
Well, why hand it over in SFO? It would have looked much better on Mr. Pichai had he insisted on coming down to India to receive this prestigious award.
— Naveen C (@naveennav25) December 3, 2022
Sunder you not only make India proud but the World with your thoughts and actions. Stay blessed Sundar
— Captain Vinod Bhardwaj (@VINODCAPT) December 3, 2022
…Absolutely wonderful … heartiest congratulations to a global business leader with extraordinary humility @sundarpichai … and to an extraordinary ambassador of our great nation with whom many of us are proud to share our very first institution @LawrenceSanawar @HimmatDhillon1
— Vipin Sondhi (@vipin_sondhi) December 3, 2022
On the other hand, a section of people also called out Pichai and the authorities for not doing the award ceremony in India.
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