
Daily Horoscope for 1 December: Check what’s in store for you today

The daily horoscope is here for you. Under Wednesday's skies, most of the zodiac signs will come out of troubles concerning relationship status and financial issues.

It is the right time to get advice on career growth and business prospectus that will help many of the zodiac signs to improve drastically. Don’t rush with choices but make them wisely as they come.

Here's your horoscope for today:

ARIES (21 March to 19 April): People with this zodiac sign, rarely recognise when you need to stop or halt because they are always on the go. As the moon floats through solitary Scorpio, it will help you to slow down and move into a more reflective headspace. Meanwhile, Luna, who spends the day in a tough square with Saturn, focuses on the blockages towards success. This will help in keeping a low profile and also make yourself emotionally open with your intimate partner.

TAURUS (20 April - 20 May): For Taurus, it's time to turn your focus towards your closest relationships. Under Wednesday’s skies, it will urge you to spend more time as your lover is demanding attention. The day is full of easy choices and emotional peace, so mellow down and be in control. Tip for the day is - aim to be for those you care for especially without losing your story completely. In any problem, listen to your heart; also find a way to explore your troubles at least with one good friend.

GEMINI (21 May- 20 June): For Geminis, today is the day to let yourself get down to business. It is time to get productive and cross things off from your to-do list that you’ve left pending for a long. As the moon finds herself roped with Saturn, it will help you over the likelihood of future travel and better educational plans. If stress arises, then turn to exercise and healthy eating that will help in reuniting your mind and body.

CANCER (21 June 21- 22 June): From the past few days, people with this zodiac sign have been all work and no play. It is important to give yourself a mid-week break from the hustle and grind that is keeping you occupied. Furthermore, Luna’s presence will dive you back into creative projects that will activate your self-expression as well as lean into romantic pleasures. It's time you understand new things in life and give yourself more time to figure them out.

LEO (23 July 23- 22 August): Today, you will gain a new understanding of your current situation as things are going along very well. Particularly in regards to family issues concerning the home environment, something is calling out for attention deep below. Under Wednesday’s skies, Luna’s presence in Scorpio will make it an ideal day to abode and embrace healing modality. Regarding dating advice, find a better way to get some background on that one person.

VIRGO (23 August-22 September): Virgos are mostly drawn towards storytelling and communication-based endeavours which they are naturally attracted to. As the moon treks through Scorpio, it will help you to reconnect with the natural mode of operation or work process. For those interested in creative writing, it is an ideal day to return to such projects. When you get time, get lost in a good book, or engage in important conversations that will help you grow.  

LIBRA (23 September-22 October): When it comes to activating your talents, remember to work hard and do your best. As the moon prowls through Scorpio, it will urge you to re-evaluate your natural resources as well as examine the state of your finances. As the day comes to an end, it will highlight frustrations on the path towards creative self-expression which needs special attention. Finally, recognize your fears and keep pushing through no matter what!

SCORPIO (23 October-21 November): For Scorpios, good things are starting to come together, even if you don't realise or feel it yet which is why you deserve to be doted. Under Tuesday’s skies, the moon will encourage you to mindfully reconnect with your health, mind and body. As the day goes in your favour, aim to prioritize your needs and also indulge in self-care rather than give everything to everyone.  

SAGITTARIUS (22 November-21 December): Today is the right time to take some time off for yourself. Also, it’s an ideal day to catch up on rest, so take a long bath, or journal to keep you busy and relaxed. While sitting and pondering over things, it is better to come up with ideas to improve rather than turning away from things that need attention.

CAPRICORN (22 December- 19 January): Under Wednesday’s skies, Capricorn should reach out and reconnect with their community. Concerning your forward movement in life, there will be that one trusted friend who may just hold the key. Furthermore, Luna’s challenging square with Saturn may evoke emotional clashes between head and heart that can lead to stress over financial concerns. When there is doubt or problem, open up to those that love you and forget the rest!

AQUARIUS (20 January- 18 February): For Aquarius, fresh ideas may threaten or scare you, but try to embrace what they're about before deciding anything. You have a knack of naturally seeking out fresh solutions to old problems, so don’t forget to apply that mode of thinking towards any looming career. On this day, Scorpio moon will increase your visibility by pushing forward your ambitions, thus prompting unexpected emotional releases.

PISCES (19 February to 20 March): It is very important for Pisces to get out of their comfort zone today. You must concentrate on your own business right now even if something or someone looks interesting. Under Wednesday’s skies, the moon will push you to break from the norm and stimulate education, travel, or philosophical conversations during the day.


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