Actor Ranveer Singh is all set to make his television debut with Colors channel in a visual-based quiz show titled The Big Picture. The Simmba actor will be seen as a host for the show which is produced by Banijay Asia and ITV Studios Global Entertainment BV. The quiz show will also stream on online streaming platforms like Voot and Jio.
Meanwhile, the first look of the show starring Ranveer Singh will be unveiled today, 3 July on Colors TV. The Big Picture will go on floors soon and is likely to premiere in August, this year.
Check out the statement here
RANVEER SINGH'S BIG TELEVISION DEBUT... #Hindi general entertainment channel #COLORS signs #RanveerSingh to host quiz show #TheBigPicture... The show marks #Ranveer's television debut.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) July 3, 2021
The Gully Boy actor in a statement said that the urge to experiment and explore has been constant in his journey as an artist. “Indian cinema has undeniably given me everything and I have been fortunate to get immense love from the people of India,” reported News18.
Further speaking about his debut on TV, Ranveer stated that he is looking forward to connecting with people in an extremely unique and engaging way via Colors’ The Big Picture.
On the quiz show The Big Picture contestants’ will be testing their knowledge and visual memory. They will be helped and guided by three lifelines where the contestants will have to correctly answer around twelve visual-based questions put up to them. If they get the answers correct, they can walk away with the prize money.
In order to make the show interactive for TV viewers, the show will allow them to play the game and win big prizes from their respective homes.
On the career front, Ranveer will soon be seen in his upcoming movie titled 83 which is directed by Kabir Khan. He will be seen as former cricketer Kapil Dev, while his wife and actor Deepika Padukone will be seen essaying the role of Romi Dev, wife of Kapil Dev.
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