Ajay Devgn’s first look from RRR has been revealed today, 2 April, on the occasion of his 52nd birthday. Taking to Twitter, the official account of the upcoming multi-starrer film shared a motion poster unveiling the actor’s look. Directed by Baahubali famed SS Rajamouli, the epic drama is going to be released in the cinema halls this year on 13 October.
In the motion poster, a man can be seen being targeted by security forces. The command of ‘load, aim, shoot’ can be heard throughout the video. Towards the end, Ajay’s look is unveiled. He is wearing a bandolier on his chest and a red tilak on his forehead. His character can be seen at the target end of several rifles as his white-coloured cape flies in the background.
The text at the end of the motion poster wishes him a ‘happy birthday’.
See the post
Empowering his people is his defining characteristic. His strength lies in his emotion.
Presenting the poweRRRful avatar of @ajaydevgn in #RRRMovie.https://t.co/2cwcGGl7BF#HappyBirthdayAjayDevgn#AjayDevgn #RRR @ssrajamouli @tarak9999 @AlwaysRamCharan @aliaa08 @DVVMovies
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) April 2, 2021
The actor also tweeted the motion poster and thanked director Rajamouli for envisioning him in an exciting and powerful role. RRR features Jr NTR and Ram Charan in lead roles. Alia Bhatt is also playing a pivotal role in the film.
Load. Aim. Shoot. Thank you @ssrajamouli for envisioning me in such an exciting and powerful character.https://t.co/hL252PMMGR#RRR #RRRMovie@tarak9999 @AlwaysRamCharan — Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) April 2, 2021
According to a Mumbai Mirror report, Ajay will be seen in an extended cameo in the period drama set in the early 20th century. The report also stated that he will be seen in the role of a nationalist and a guru to the characters played by Jr NTR and Ram Charan.
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