Telugu actor Nani on Sunday had a big announcement. On the first anniversary of his last year blockbuster, HIT The First Case, Nani took to Twitter and announced the sequel to the mystery-thriller, adding there couldn't have been a better occasion for the news.
Check out the announcement here
1 year of HIT today
What better day to announce Part 2
You've seen how Vikram Rudraraju of Telangana HIT has taken you on an edge of the seat ride.
Now it’s time for KD of AP HIT to take us on a nail biting journey
KD ? 😈 @KolanuSailesh @walpostercinema
— Nani (@NameisNani) February 28, 2021
The first franchise of HIT -- ‘Homicide Intervention Team’ -- was directed by debutant Sailesh Kolanu. According to The New Minute, it was a story of a top cop suffering from a post-traumatic stress disorder and tasked to uncover the mystery behind a case. The first film starred Vishwak Sen and Ruhani Sharma and received a good response at the box office following which Nani had expressed the desire to convert the film into a franchise.
Director Sailesh, too, announced the new development on Twitter
And we're back!! As we complete one year of HIT, I would like to thank everyone who's been a part of this journey and for supporting HIT. What better day to announce HIT 2 than today..Stay tuned for more updates ! #HIT2 #1yearofHIT @NameisNani — Sailesh Kolanu (@KolanuSailesh) February 28, 2021
Meanwhile, Nani will next be seen in Tuck Jagadish, a directorial venture of Shiva Nirmana. The film, which was initially scheduled for 16 April release, will now hit the theatres on 23 April.
Interestingly, a Hindi remake of HIT is also on the cards with Rajkumar Rao in the lead. While Dil Raju is attached to produce, Kolanu will helm the Hindi version as well.
The director said he has been following Rao's work since 2011's critically-acclaimed film Shaitaan, in which the actor played the role of a police officer.
"He is a terrific actor and has managed to surprise us every time with his performances. I am really excited to be working with Rajkummar Rao and Dil Raju sir on this project," Kolanu said.
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