Dia Mirza got married to businessman Vaibhav Rekhi on Monday, 15 February. The couple got married as per Hindu rituals in Bandra. The entire ceremony was conducted by a woman priestess and the actor took time from post-wedding engagements to thank the woman who officiated her marriage.
Mirza has been sharing glimpses from her intimate wedding ceremony on social media and one of the posts was dedicated to Sheela Atta, the woman responsible for tying all the rituals and customs in a thread.
The Sanju actor shared a picture from their marriage ceremony on Instagram that featured Mirza and Rekhi holding a basket of ritualistic offerings in front of the holy fire and beside them, Atta was seated chanting mantras.
Mirza wrote she was thankful for Atta as she had conducted the ceremony wonderfully.
Many fans took to the comments to praise the actor for highlighting the participation of a woman priestess. Also, some Twitter users pointed out that it was necessary for celebrities like Mirza to come to the fore with unorthodox customs so that more and more people can be urged to accept social changes.
Check out Dia Mirza's tweet and responses to it
Thank you Sheela Atta for conducting our wedding ceremony. So proud that together we can #RiseUp #GenerationEquality https://t.co/aMZdyEZRdF pic.twitter.com/BeyFWCSGLw
— Dia Mirza (@deespeak) February 17, 2021
@deespeak proud of you! Such is the power of a celebrity. All celebrities have huge fan following. One person one change can bring alot of changes. Hope to see many more powerful messages put across. #Congratulations#GenerationEquality #WomenSupportingWomen #DiaMirza #RiseUp — Nehaa Gupta (@guptanehaa_) February 17, 2021
Thank you Sheela Atta for conducting our wedding ceremony. So proud that together we can #RiseUp #GenerationEquality https://t.co/aMZdyEZRdF pic.twitter.com/BeyFWCSGLw
— Dia Mirza (@deespeak) February 17, 2021
Thank you Sheela Atta for conducting our wedding ceremony. So proud that together we can #RiseUp #GenerationEquality https://t.co/aMZdyEZRdF pic.twitter.com/BeyFWCSGLw — Dia Mirza (@deespeak) February 17, 2021
Thank you Sheela Atta for conducting our wedding ceremony. So proud that together we can #RiseUp #GenerationEquality https://t.co/aMZdyEZRdF pic.twitter.com/BeyFWCSGLw
— Dia Mirza (@deespeak) February 17, 2021
The close-knit affair saw the attendance of only friends and family at Mirza’s residence in Mumbai. Actor Aditi Rao Hydari and actor-producer Jackky Bhagnani were also seen at the venue. The pair greeted the paparazzi together, distributing sweets as a sign of gratitude.
Mirza was previously married to film producer Sahil Sangha. They parted ways in 2019 after being together for 11 years. Rekhi's first wife was yoga and lifestyle coach Sunaina Rekhi.
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