Sidharth Malhotra, Rashmika Mandanna are set to star in an upcoming espionage thriller, Mission Manju. Backed by RSVP Movies and Guilty by Association, the film is said to be inspired by real events set in the 1970s and will tell the story of India's most courageous mission.
Written by Parveez Shaikh, Aseem Arrora and Sumit Batheja the film stars Malhotra as a RAW agent who leads the mission.
Check out the announcement here
The deadliest covert operation undertaken by our intelligence agency behind enemy lines!
Presenting the first look of #MissionMajnu@SidMalhotra @iamRashmika @RonnieScrewvala @amarbutala #GarimaMehta @GBAMedia_Off #ShantanuBagchi @aseem_arora @Sumit_Batheja @pashanjal— RSVP Movies (@RSVPMovies) December 23, 2020
Malhotra adds, "Mission Majnu is a patriotic tale inspired by true events that celebrates the hard work of RAW agents who go out of their way to protect the citizens of our country. It is a privilege to tell the story of our brave agents."
Mandanna, who has headlined several successful films in the south including Kirik Party, Anjani Putra, and Geetha Govindam, makes her Bollywood debut with Mission Manju. She shares, "I have been fortunate to receive so much love from audiences across languages. As an actor, it is always the story of the film that I connect with, and the language of the film is never a barrier for me. I am grateful to the makers for offering me Mission Majnu which is written beautifully, and I am super excited to be part of a team that has so much passion. We are all working together to make it even more amazing. I am super excited to start my journey in Hindi cinema and to reach out to newer audiences"
Directed by Shantanu Bagchi and produced by Ronnie Screwvala, Amar Butala and Garima Mehta, Mission Manju is slated to go on floors in February 2021.
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