Ranbir Kapoor has finally opened up on his relationship with actress Alia Bhatt and has confirmed about getting married soon. The actor revealed that if there had not been a pandemic situation around the world, the two would have been married already.

In an interview with Rajeev Masand, Kapoor spoke about rumours surrounding his impending wedding stating that the deal would have been sealed had not the pandemic hit everyone's lives.

"I don’t want to jinx it by saying anything. I want to tick mark that goal very soon in my life," the Jagga Jasoos actor added.

Kapoor added that he feels like a bit of an underachiever compared to his girlfriend, Bhatt. He says while he spent hours watching television shows and movies during the lockdown, Bhatt attended many classes from guitar to screenwriting. He further reveals that they were dealing with a family crisis in the beginning but eventually he got into reading, spent time with his family and now watches two to three films every day.

Meanwhile, both Kapoor and Bhatt will next be seen in Brahmastra alongside Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy and Nagarjuna. Touted as a fantasy adventure franchise, the movie will see Ranbir playing Shiva, a character with special powers, and Alia will essay a character named Isha.

Watch the full interview here

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