Kerala Plus Two (Class 12) board exam schedule 2021 has been released by the Directorate of Higher Secondary Education (DHSE) on its official website - As per the schedule, the examination for all the streams will start on 17 March 2021.

The Kerala Board Class 12 Arts stream exam 2021 will continue till 25 March, while the papers of other streams will be held till 30 March.

According to a report by Hindustan Times, the exam timings for subjects without practicals will be conducted from 9:40 am to 12:30 pm including cool off time of 20 minutes.

The test for subjects with practicals except Biology and Music will be held from 9:40 am to 12 pm, including cool off time of 20 minutes.

The Biology paper will be conducted from 9:40 am to 12:10 pm including the cool off time of 25 minutes (10 minutes each for Botany and Sociology, and 5 minutes preparatory time for Zoology).

Music exam will be from 9:40 am to 11:30 am including 20 minutes cool off time.

CLICK HERE to check the complete Kerala Class 12 board exam 2021 time table. Reports said that DHSE Kerala has only published the time table for theory papers. The Directorate will be conducting practical exam of Kerala Board Class 12 and the dates of the same will be released by the authorities soon.

Students appearing for the exam will have to fill the application form by 4 January 2021. Those who miss the deadline, can apply from 5 to 8 January paying fine of Rs 20.

The admit card for the Kerala Plus Two exam 2021 will be released by DHSE on 10 March 2021.

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