
Why Trump nearly made it despite COVID-19, Biden, hostile media and Big Tech

Save for a miracle, Donald Trump has his toes on the springboard of defeat. Joe Biden is all set to be the President of the United States.

But not before an agonising wait and only after a skin-thin majority allows him. Defying all media predictions of a blue sweep, America is still divided right down the middle.

How did Trump manage so many votes despite a debilitating pandemic which has hit 9.7 million Americans and has claimed 235,000 lives? How did a man full of bluster and a cavalier disregard for facts still be so popular to bring himself so close to power again?

Trump’s fight was not just against Biden and Kamala Harris. Lined up against him is almost the entire mainstream media including CNN, New York Times and Washington Post, and the mighty Big Tech battery of Google, Facebook and Twitter.

This is not the first time in history that the most formidable forces have come together only to be stalled and frustrated by the stubborn will of the faceless: a silent and vast mass of ordinary people. Those Hillary Clinton called “deplorables” in the last US elections and lost. This time, the “deplorables” are set to lose. But not without squeezing every drop of sweat out of their very rich and powerful opponents.

Trump is a spoilt, ill-behaved billionaire. Then why does he resonate so well with workers and the middle class?

It is because worldwide, a growing number of people are fed up with the politically correct, opportunistic, elite political class which sneers at their traditions, way of life and dearly held values. They want politicians from outside the system which they view as corrupt, self-serving and hypocritical.

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The rise of those either from outside the system, anti-insider or politically incorrect politicians like Narendra Modi, Jair Bolsonaro, Emmanuel Macron, Matteo Salvini, Viktor Orban is because of this global public sentiment. The media pundits don’t understand it.

They were giving Modi 220-230 seats in 2019. Many of them said BJP will fall back under 200. And yet, BJP crossed 300, NDA easily crossed 350.

Such is the deep disconnect between our entrenched politicians and pundits – patronage-addled beneficiaries of the erstwhile liberal, globalised world order – and the people who still value their culture, nation, family.

Trump may well be defeated, crumpled and thrown into the bin of history, but the people who wanted him to lead America will remain. They make up vast swathes of the nation’s population. They will watch how the new regime treats them. If scorned and disregarded again, they will strike back.

Leaders die and are forgotten. The faceless masses they lead don’t die. They remain there, unremembered and unforgotten, passing on to the next generations lessons to teach the leaders-to-come.

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