
US Election 2020 Live Updates: Biden wins states of New York and New Mexico, secures 119 electoral votes against Trump's 92

07:56 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

All eyes on Florida

As projections are released for the smaller states which usually vote along either Republican or Democrat, all eyes are now on the swing states. Trends are coming in for Florida, Georgia and North Carolina, and it looks too close to call.

The New York Times reported "Florida is a critical part of almost any Electoral College pathway for Trump to hit the 270 votes needed to secure re-election. Biden is seen to have multiple paths without the state."

07:36 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Biden wins New York, New Mexico, projects AP

President Donald Trump has won Louisiana, Nebraska, Nebraska’s 3rd Congressional District, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming, while Democrat Joe Biden has won New Mexico and New York.

Nebraska, one of two states that divides its electoral votes, has five total electoral votes up for grabs. Trump won the statewide vote, which is good for two electoral votes. He also won the 3rd Congressional District, which nets him a third vote.

07:34 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Polls close in more than a dozen states

Polls have now closed in more than a dozen states, including the key swing states of Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Joe Biden had a polling advantage in Michigan and Wisconsin, but it may take a while to count absentee ballots in those two states. Arizona is expected to post results more quickly.

07:18 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Republican Phil Scott wins reelection in Vermont

Republican Governor Phil Scott has won reelection in the traditionally Democratic state of Vermont, the AP announced.

Scott has distanced himself from Donald Trump, previously announcing he intended to vote for Joe Biden. Explaining his Biden vote earlier today, Scott said, "We need someone that can pull us together. Our country needs to heal."

07:13 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Trump gets Alabama, Mississippi: US media 

President Donald Trump has won Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Tennessee, while Democrat Joe Biden has won Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Rhode Island.

The results were not a surprise. Biden is very strong in the states that went for him, just as Trump is strong in the states he won.

Trump takes 33 electoral votes for winning those four states, while Biden adds 69 electoral votes to his total for winning seven states.

07:09 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Trump wins Arkansas, says AP

President Donald Trump is projected to win the state of Arkansas. The Republican nominee on Tuesday was awarded its six electoral votes.

Arkansas is a reliably Republican state that hasn’t gone for a Democratic presidential candidate since Bill Clinton in 1996.

06:53 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Republican Mitch McConnell wins reelection in Kentucky

Senate leader Mitch McConnell has won the re-election race, defeating Democratic candidate Amy McGrath, according to US media. McConnell, who won from Kentucky, is one of the many senators who have been re-elected.

The Democratic incumbents who won are Chris Coons of Delaware, Dick Durbin of Illinois, Ed Markey of Massachusetts, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Cory Booker of New Jersey and Jack Reed of Rhode Island. On the GOP side, James Inhofe of Oklahoma has also won reelection.

06:42 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Trump picks up four states while Biden wins seven others

Joe Biden has won seven states, including his home state of Delaware. The Democratic nominee won Rhode Island, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Illinois, Delaware and Connecticut.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has won the states of Oklahoma, Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama.

Again, none of these states are battlegrounds, so the results are not surprising. The major prizes of the night remain up for grabs.

06:38 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Donald Trump set to win South Carolina, projects AP

Donald Trump is projected to win the state of South Carolina by winning its nine electoral votes, the AP announced.

Trump was expected to win the state, but South Carolina’s key Senate race between Republican incumbent Lindsey Graham and Democrat Jaime Harrison remains too close to call.

06:33 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Polls close in six US states 

Polls have closed in six US states in a bitterly contested election between incumbent President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden, including in the key East Coast battleground of Georgia.

Polling places also shut statewide in Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Vermont and Virginia in a landmark contest that saw tens of millions of American cast their ballots early amid the coronavirus pandemic.

CNN and NBC already projected a win for Donald Trump in Indiana.

06:26 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Trump takes Republican-leaning States of West Virginia, Indiana and Kentucky

The first results are trickling in, with US media projecting wins for the Republican incumbent so far in Indiana, Kentucky and West Virginia - all states he won in 2016. Biden has captured Vermont and Virginia.

So far, that gives Trump 24 electoral votes to 16 for Biden. The magic number is 270. Observers expect the hotly contested race for the White House to come down to a handful of key battleground states.

06:13 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Joe Biden set to win Virginia, says AP

Democrat Joe Biden is projected to win the state of Virginia by winning its 13 electoral votes.

Democrat Hillary Clinton won Virginia over Republican Donald Trump in 2016, helped in part by her choice of running mate: Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine.

Virginia has grown increasingly liberal over the last four years, and as a result of the 2019 elections, Democrats now control every branch of government in the state.

06:09 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Donald Trump projected to win West Virginia, Kentucky

AP projected that Donald Trump will coast to victory in West Virginia, winning its five electoral votes. The Republican nominee is set to defeat Democrat Joe Biden on Tuesday in the state, which is reliably conservative, the report said.

The report also projected eight electoral votes from Kentucky for Trump.

05:52 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Joe Biden to win Vermont, reports AP


05:48 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Donald Trump confident as early trends trickle in

Donald Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday evening (local time) as polls began shutting around the country and early trends began.

05:42 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

CNN projects Indiana for Donald Trump

05:20 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

On radio, Donald Trump claims win in North Carolina and Florida

US president Donald Trump called into talk radio shows in the battleground states of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin just hours before polls closed. Trump projected confidence Tuesday that he will win key states like North Carolina and Florida and said he’s expecting a “great” evening.

Trump told Wisconsin host Vicki McKenna that he is expecting a strong night based on lines of people waiting to vote. Trump has sown doubts about mail voting, without evidence, and is expecting most of his supporters to turn out on Election Day.

05:13 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Joe Biden urges higher voter turnout as polls begin to close

05:00 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Armed man arrested at North Carolina polling site

In North Carolina, an armed man loitering at a polling site on Election Day has been arrested and charged with trespassing, AP reported

Thirty-six-year-old Justin Dunn was legally carrying a firearm but loitered at the Charlotte site after voting Tuesday morning, which prompted a precinct official to call police over fears of voter intimidation. A precinct official accompanied by a police officer asked him to leave the site and banned him from the location.

Police say Dunn left the precinct but returned about two hours later. He was taken into custody and charged with second-degree trespassing.

Publicly listed numbers for Dunn were disconnected when a reporter tried to reach him Tuesday.

04:56 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

'Superstitious' about poll predictions, says Joe Biden

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden isn’t making any predictions about the outcome of the election as the final hours of voting tick down.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday outside a Delaware community center, Biden said he’s “superstitious” about offering predictions for election night but remains “hopeful", AP reported. He says he’s heard from aides that there’s “overwhelming turnout” among young people, women and older Black adults in places like Georgia and Florida.

He says, “The things that are happening bode well for the base that has been supporting me -- but we’ll see.” Still, he admitted, “It’s just so uncertain” because of how many states are in play.

04:41 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Vermont Republican governor says he voted for Biden

Vermont Governor Phil Scott says he voted for Joe Biden for president, making him the first Republican governor in the nation to acknowledge voting for the Democratic presidential candidate.

The Republican governor told reporters Tuesday after casting his ballot in his hometown of Berlin, Vermont, that he had never voted for a Democrat in his life.

“As many of you knew, I didn’t support President Trump. I wasn’t going to vote for him,” Scott said. “But then I came to the conclusion that it wasn’t enough for me to just not vote. I had to vote against.” He says he “put country over party, which again wasn’t an easy thing to do in some respects.”

04:27 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Donald Trump to watch poll results in East Wing

US president Donald Trump will reportedly watch the poll results on Tuesday (local time) in the White House's East Wing, CNN reported. 

“The President’s going to be watching returns tonight with senior aides, with members of the first family from the White House, from the East Wing. He’s excited. We’ve put in the work, we’ve not taken any vote for granted, he’s been out on the trail meeting with voters, doing as many as five events a day, and we’re ready to see these results,” communications director Alyssa Farah was quoted as saying.

04:06 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Voters say pandemic top issue in election

With the coronavirus now surging anew, voters ranked the pandemic and the economy as top concerns in the race between President Donald Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden, according to AP VoteCast, a national survey of the electorate.

Voters were especially likely to call the public health crisis the nation’s most important issue, with the economy following close behind. Fewer named health care, racism, law enforcement, immigration or climate change.

After eight months and 232,000 deaths, the candidates faced a dissatisfied electorate. Many voters said they have been personally affected by the virus. Roughly 6 in 10 said the country is going in the wrong direction.

03:42 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

FBI investigates robocalls warning voters to "stay home"


Voters across the US received anonymous robocalls in the days and weeks before Election Day urging them to “stay safe and stay home” — an ominous warning that election experts said could be an effort to scare voters into sitting out the election, AP reported.

The FBI is investigating calls that seek to discourage people from voting, a senior official at the Department of Homeland Security told reporters Tuesday. Authorities wouldn't offer details.

The brief calls, which featured a computerized female voice, made no mention of the election. But given the lack of details, and the timing, the message was clear, according to Dan Doughty, a Kansas City resident who received the robocall Tuesday morning.

03:33 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Waiting for the first polls to close?

03:32 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Poll results largely a referendum on COVID-19 management

The US poll campaign has largely been a referendum on Donald Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump insists the nation was “rounding the turn” on the virus. But Dr Deborah Birx, the coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, broke with the president and joined a chorus of Trump administration scientists sounding the alarm about the current spike in infections.

"We are entering the most concerning and most deadly phase of this pandemic," Birx wrote in a memo distributed to top administration officials. She added that the nation was not implementing "balanced" measures needed to slow the spread of the virus.

03:15 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Hand sanitiser causes ballot scanner malfunction in Iowa

A spokesperson for the Iowa secretary of state says hand sanitizer on voters’ hands caused a ballot scanner to jam at a polling place in Des Moines, AP reported.

Spokesperson Kevin Hall says some voters’ hands were moist when they handled the ballots and the buildup of sanitizer eventually caused the scanner to stop working. The machine was fixed in about an hour.

To prevent another breakdown, poll workers moved the sanitizing station farther back in the line so voters’ hands would be dry when they first touched the ballots.

It was a problem unique to the coronavirus era. Iowa is considered one of the tossup states in Tuesday’s election between President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden.

02:51 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Update from Michigan Secretary of State:

02:47 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Kanye says will vote for the 'US president' — himself

02:33 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Arizona poll authorities say result could go either way, voting in Minneapolis 'very smooth'

As America set out to vote on Election Day amid the COVID-19 pandemic, state election authorities weighed in on the situation on polling in their respective jurisdictions.

In Arizona, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs said that while Joe Biden has a narrow edge over US President Donald Trump in the state, "either candidate has the possibility to win". "I try to be non-partisan, but we've seen Biden leading pretty much most of the polls that have been done here for Arizona. The margins vary, but he's been ahead," Hobbs told CNN'.

Meanwhile, the report said that voting in Minneapolis was going "very smoothly" so far "with no incidents of equipment malfunction or voter intimidation."

Additionally, in Michigan, the authorities said the vote "will be counted sooner than previously expected, with both day-of and absentee ballot counts expected to be reported soon after polls close tonight", CNN reported.

02:18 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Voters weary of 'divisive' campaign, says report

The hard-fought campaign left voters on both sides eager to move on, although the result might not be known for days, AP reported.

A new anti-scale fence was erected around the White House. And in downtowns ranging from New York to Denver to Minneapolis, workers boarded up businesses lest the vote lead to unrest of the sort that broke out earlier this year amid protests over racial inequality.

Just a short walk from the White House, for block after block, stores had their windows and doors covered. Some kept just a front door open, hoping to attract a little business.

Whoever wins will have to deal with an anxious nation, reeling from a once-in-a-century heath crisis that has closed schools and businesses and that is worsening as the weather turns cold.

02:01 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Trump predicts win by a larger margin than in 2016

The record-setting early vote — and legal skirmishing over how it will be counted — drew unsupported allegations of fraud from Trump, who had refused to guarantee he would honor the election’s result.

Trump called into “Fox & Friends,” where he predicted he will win by a larger electoral margin than he did in 2016, when he tallied 306 electoral college votes compared to Democrat Hillary Clinton's 232.

01:44 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

102 million Americans, 73% of 2016 turnout, voted early

The Election Day surge to the polls came even after 102 million Americans voted early, an eye-popping total that that represents 73% of the total turnout of the 2016 presidential election.

Biden entered Election Day with multiple paths to victory while Trump, playing catch-up in a number of battleground states, had a narrower but still feasible road to clinch 270 Electoral College votes. Control of the Senate was at stake, too: Democrats needed to net three seats if Biden captured the White House to gain control of all of Washington for the first time in a decade. The House was expected to remain under Democratic control.

01:37 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Trump, Biden hand their fate to voters, with robust turnout

President Donald Trump and Joe Biden handed their fate on Tuesday to voters, who will decide which man will steer the country through the surging pandemic that has killed over 2,31,000 people, destroyed jobs and reshaped nearly every aspect of American life. With almost 102 million Americans voting early and millions more waiting in lines on Election Day, the rancorous campaign across a polarized nation clearly stuck a nerve with the electorate.

With the worst public health crisis in a century bearing down, the pandemic — and Trump's handling of it — became the inescapable focus for 2020.

In battlegrounds, including Florida, Iowa, Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania, some voters showed up to their polling places before dawn to beat the crowds, but still found themselves having to wait in long lines to cast their ballots.

01:30 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Voting extended in 4 North Carolina precincts

The North Carolina board of Elections extended voting in four precincts after they opened late on Tuesday, CNN reported, adding that the election results are likely to be delayed by at least 45 minutes in the state.

01:21 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Joe Biden's campaign says 'clear that we are winning'

Joe Biden’s campaign manager Jen O'Malley Dillon was quoted by CNN as expressing confidence that Biden was on his way to the White House.

"it is clear we are winning," Dillon said, adding that "that they are "confident" about their path to victory and "clear-eyed" on what will come in when. The campaign is staying consistent in its message that it believes the winner will be known tonight," the report said.

00:59 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

'Have faith in the American people', says Kamala Harris

Democratic vice presidential nominee Senator Kamala Harris urged voters to stay calm no matter what the outcome of the election is and said, "Have faith in the American people. I do strongly believe that we — whoever we vote for — will defend the integrity of our democracy and the peaceful transfer of power. And that there are certain lines that no matter who you vote for, they won't cross."

Speaking to reporters in Detroit, she was quoted by CNN as saying, "The path to the White House and the path to determining who will be the next President of the United States without question runs right through Michigan."

00:49 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Beware of premature declaration of result, say reports

It is likely that the declaration of a winner after the US polls shut on Tuesday will be delayed due to the counting of the mail-in ballot. In such a scenario, reports are cautioning voters against speculation or a premature declaration of the result.

00:45 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Jim Clyburn predicts a ''good night for Democrats''

The third-ranking Democrat in the US House is predicting Democrats will pick up as many as a dozen House seats. Majority Whip Jim Clyburn told reporters outside a polling place in Columbia, South Carolina, on Tuesday that he believed it would be a “good night for Democrats” up and down the ticket.

Clyburn says, “Holding the House would just be status quo. Winning the Senate would make it good.” Democrats control the House 232-197, with five open seats and one independent. It takes 218 seats to control the chamber. Republicans control the Senate.

Clyburn has expressed concerns about voter suppression. He says President Donald Trump has been “literally stoking flames of indecision, unrest, threatening violence.” Clyburn says the nation''s division “didn't start with Trump, and it won't stop with Trump."

00:29 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Losing is not easy for me, says Donald Trump

Addressing his campaign team, Donald Trump said that he hadn't prepared a concession speech or an acceptance speech. He added that his rallies had got a "tremendous" response.

"Not thinking about concession speech or acceptance speech yet. Hopefully, we'll be doing only one of those two. Winning is easy, losing is never easy - not for me, it's not. When you see rallies, there's tremendous love going on in this country, tremendous unity," he added.

00:19 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Facebook vows vigilance on election day misinformation efforts

Facebook pledged real-time monitoring of Election Day misinformation and manipulation efforts as voters began in-person balloting across the United States Tuesday.

Along with other social platforms, the company has promised to stem misinformation around the election, including premature claims of victory, seeking to avoid a repeat of 2016 manipulation efforts.

"Our Election Operations Center will continue monitoring a range of issues in real time -- including reports of voter suppression content," said a Facebook statement posted on Twitter. "If we see attempts to suppress participation, intimidate voters, or organize to do so, the content will be removed."

00:14 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Donald Trump says 'doing very well' in Florida, Arizona, Texas

Addressing the campaign team in the bullpen of the headquarters in Virginia, Donald Trump claimed that his campaign was doing "very well" in the states of Florida, Arizona, and Texas. "I think we're going to have a great night and more importantly we're going to have a great 4 years."

Also speaking to reporters, Trump said, "I feel very good." 

00:00 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

US 'entitled to know' winner on election day, says Donald Trump

Amid reports that the declaration of the US poll results may be delayed due to the counting of mail-in ballots, US president Donald Trump said that Americans are "entitled to know" who the winner is on election day itself. The polls will close at 4.30 am IST, after which the counting of votes will begin.

Trump’s assertion comes even as poll officials have repeatedly urged voters to remain patient, while adding that counting has historically never been completed on poll day. This year’s delay has been especially highlighted because of the unprecedented number of voters choosing to cast their votes in advance, mainly due to the pandemic.

Trump, a Republican, has launched repeat assaults on the credibility of mail-in voting, often claiming without evidence that the process will be rigged against him.

23:55 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Barack Obama says Joe Biden 'made me a better president'

Former US president Barack Obama on Tuesday made another pitch for Joe Biden, who was the vice president during his terms in the White House. "For eight years, Joe was the last one in the room whenever I faced a big decision," he said.

23:47 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

'Joe Biden is not primetime,' says Donald Trump

US president Donald Trump weighed in on Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's candidature on Fox News on Tuesday.

23:34 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Kamala Harris as president would be 'terrible thing' for US, women: Trump


Democratic vice presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris becoming US president would be a "terrible thing" for both the country and women, President Donald Trump said on Tuesday.

The Republican leader said that the US would never remain the same if Biden-Harris ticket are the winner. "Our country could never be the same country if they win, because they are radicalised left," Trump said as he launched a scathing attack against Harris.

"Joe Biden will never call the shots and if he does, he's not going to be there very long. He's got a vice president who's further left than (Senator) Bernie Sanders, who is not a particularly good person and she would be, I think, a terrible first representative," Trump alleged. "If she became the first woman president, I think it would be a terrible thing for our country. I think it would be a terrible thing for women."

"I look forward to the first woman president," Trump said in response to a question. "But I wouldn't look forward to her being that person. I think it would be a very bad thing. I think you'd have a country that would become a socialist country, if they pack the courts, that would be a terrible thing."

23:23 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Updates

Nebraska, Michigan, Atlanta voters receive robocalls asking them to hold off voting due to pandemic

There were reports that some fake recorded calls were being made to voters in a few states with an intention to suppress voter participation. Earlier Michigan Attorney General tweeted a clarification telling voters not to pay heed to unverified information. Voters were reportedly being told that they shold hold off voting till tomorrow to avoid crowds.

Now Nebraska officials have also warned voters against fake news after several reported incidents of such calls. 

CNN reported that it recieved information from the state of Atlanta as well where one of its reporters also recieved such a call. 

23:03 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Update

Time to claim our democracy back, urges Joe Biden

In another appeal urging voters to step out to vote, Joe Biden re-asserted his oft-repeated campaign mantra: "It's time to claim our democracy back." Earlier, Biden had ended the last rally with the same slogan as he asserted he was expecting a "big win." 

22:39 (IST)

Son of WSJ journalist beheaded by Al-Qaeda 18 years ago casts his first vote in 2020 polls

22:28 (IST)

US Election 2020 Latest Update

Why is 270 the magic number in US elections?

What's all this hubbub about 270? It's not about the 270 whales stranded this fall on Australia's island state of Tasmania. It's not about congestion on Interstate 270 feeding commuters into Washington, DC. It's about who's going to sit in the White House for the next four years.

Nearly 2.9 million more people voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, but she still lost. President Donald Trump won because he took the Electoral College, under a system set up in the US Constitution and refined through the centuries. This is where the magic number comes into play.

Each state is allotted a different number of electoral votes, based on how many representatives it has in the House, plus its two senators. To win the White House, a candidate must win at least 270 electoral votes. That's a majority of the 538 that are up for grabs in the 50 states.

US Election 2020 Latest Updates: Donald Trump has picked up North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Louisiana and Nebraska. The AP also called Indiana for Trump shortly before polls closed in some western states.

Biden has captured his home state of Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Vermont, Virginia and New Jersey, as well as the three electoral votes given to the US capital Washington (District of Columbia).

Democrat Joe Biden is projected to win the state of Virginia by winning its 13 electoral votes.

Democrat Hillary Clinton won Virginia over Republican Donald Trump in 2016, helped in part by her choice of running mate: Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine.

Virginia has grown increasingly liberal over the last four years, and as a result of the 2019 elections, Democrats now control every branch of government in the state.

Donald Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday evening (local time) as polls began shutting around the country and early trends began trickling in.

US president Donald Trump called into talk radio shows in the battleground states of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin just hours before polls closed. Trump projected confidence Tuesday that he will win key states like North Carolina and Florida and said he’s expecting a “great” evening.

Trump told Wisconsin host Vicki McKenna that he is expecting a strong night based on lines of people waiting to vote. Trump has sown doubts about mail voting, without evidence, and is expecting most of his supporters to turn out on Election Day.

In North Carolina, an armed man loitering at a polling site on Election Day has been arrested and charged with trespassing, AP reported.

Thirty-six-year-old Justin Dunn was legally carrying a firearm but loitered at the Charlotte site after voting Tuesday morning, which prompted a precinct official to call police over fears of voter intimidation. A precinct official accompanied by a police officer asked him to leave the site and banned him from the location.

Police say Dunn left the precinct but returned about two hours later. He was taken into custody and charged with second-degree trespassing.

Publicly listed numbers for Dunn were disconnected when a reporter tried to reach him Tuesday.

Vermont Governor Phil Scott says he voted for Joe Biden for president, making him the first Republican governor in the nation to acknowledge voting for the Democratic presidential candidate.

The Republican governor told reporters Tuesday after casting his ballot in his hometown of Berlin, Vermont, that he had never voted for a Democrat in his life.

“As many of you knew, I didn’t support President Trump. I wasn’t going to vote for him,” Scott said. “But then I came to the conclusion that it wasn’t enough for me to just not vote. I had to vote against.” He says he “put country over party, which again wasn’t an easy thing to do in some respects.”

With the coronavirus now surging anew, voters ranked the pandemic and the economy as top concerns in the race between President Donald Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden, according to AP VoteCast, a national survey of the electorate.

Voters were especially likely to call the public health crisis the nation’s most important issue, with the economy following close behind. Fewer named health care, racism, law enforcement, immigration or climate change.

After eight months and 232,000 deaths, the candidates faced a dissatisfied electorate. Many voters said they have been personally affected by the virus. Roughly 6 in 10 said the country is going in the wrong direction.

Voters across the US received anonymous robocalls in the days and weeks before Election Day urging them to “stay safe and stay home” — an ominous warning that election experts said could be an effort to scare voters into sitting out the election, AP reported.

The FBI is investigating calls that seek to discourage people from voting, a senior official at the Department of Homeland Security told reporters Tuesday. Authorities wouldn't offer details.

The brief calls, which featured a computerized female voice, made no mention of the election. But given the lack of details, and the timing, the message was clear, according to Dan Doughty, a Kansas City resident who received the robocall Tuesday morning.

As America set out to vote on Election Day amid the COVID-19 pandemic, state election authorities weighed in on the situation on polling in their respective jurisdictions.

In Arizona, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs said that while Joe Biden has a narrow edge over US President Donald Trump in the state, "either candidate has the possibility to win". "I try to be non-partisan, but we've seen Biden leading pretty much most of the polls that have been done here for Arizona. The margins vary, but he's been ahead," Hobbs told CNN'.

Meanwhile, the report said that voting in Minneapolis was going "very smoothly" so far "with no incidents of equipment malfunction or voter intimidation."

Additionally, in Michigan, the authorities said the vote "will be counted sooner than previously expected, with both day-of and absentee ballot counts expected to be reported soon after polls close tonight", CNN reported.

The North Carolina board of Elections extended voting in four precincts after they opened late on Tuesday, CNN reported, adding that the election results are likely to be delayed by at least 45 minutes in the state.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Senator Kamala Harris urged voters to stay calm no matter what the outcome of the election is and said, "Have faith in the American people. I do strongly believe that we — whoever we vote for — will defend the integrity of our democracy and the peaceful transfer of power. And that there are certain lines that no matter who you vote for, they won't cross."

Speaking to reporters in Detroit, she was quoted by CNN as saying, "The path to the White House and the path to determining who will be the next President of the United States without question runs right through Michigan."

Addressing the campaign team in the bullpen of the headquarters in Virginia, Donald Trump claimed that his campaign was doing "very well" in the states of Florida, Arizona, and Texas. "I think we're going to have a great night and more importantly we're going to have a great 4 years."

US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he had built the world''s greatest economy, which was "horribly" interrupted by the "plague" that came from China

First Lady Melania Trump has cast her in-person vote at the Morton and Barbara Mandel Recreation Center in Palm Beach.

According to the US president's son, China, Mexico, Cuba, Liberia, the US states of New York and California along with part of India are the only places that don't want Trump to have four more years in the White House. Curiously, Jammu and Kashmir, according to Trump Jr, would prefer a Trump presidency.

News reports say that 9,069,761 people have already voted in Florida, which is roughly 95 percent of the 9.6 million total votes in the 2016 election. Registered Democrats lead registered Republicans by about 115,000 votes. Nearly 2 million people with no party affiliation have also voted, CNN reported.

In what CNN termed 'only a mildly confident view of his prospects', President Donald Trump asserted that he will call in a win, only when there's a win.

Joe Biden has started Election Day with a visit to church — and the grave of his late son, Beau. Biden and his wife, Jill, made an early morning stop at St. Joseph’s on the Brandywine in Wilmington, Delaware

At least 98.1 million people voted before Election Day, or just shy of 71 percent of the nearly 139 million ballots cast during the 2016 presidential election, according to data collected by The Associated Press. Given that a few states, including Texas, had already exceeded their total 2016 vote count, experts were predicting record turnout this year

President Donald Trump and his reelection campaign are signaling they will pursue an aggressive legal strategy to try to prevent Pennsylvania from counting mailed ballots that are received in the three days after the election. The matter could find its way to the Supreme Court, especially if those ballots could tip the outcome in the battleground state.

On Election day, President Donald Trump is planning to visit his campaign headquarters in Virginia on Tuesday, while Biden will travel to his birthplace of Scranton, the scrappy Pennsylvania town where Trump also visited on Monday

Polls opened at 6:00 am (4.30 pm IST) in the eastern states of New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Connecticut and Maine. But the first polling stations to open in the country were in two New Hampshire villages, Dixville Notch and Millsfield, starting at midnight

Election Day is finally here.

Or at least what we still call Election Day, since nearly 100 million Americans had already cast ballots by Tuesday.

That's the result of an election system that has been reshaped by the worst pandemic in a century, prompting many voters to take advantage of advance voting rather than head to polling places in person at a time when coronavirus cases are rising.

Here's what to watch as the final votes for President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden are cast:

Results, Results...?

We may not know who won the presidential election on Tuesday night. And if so, it does not necessarily mean anything is broken, fraudulent, corrupted or wrong.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly suggested a slower-than-typical result is a sign of trouble.

“I think it’s terrible that we can’t know the results of an election the night of the election,” he said on Sunday. “I think it’s a terrible thing when states are allowed to tabulate ballots for a long period of time after the election is over."

It's unclear what the president thinks is a long period. But it's standard practice to continue tabulating votes after Election Day. But as it turns out that not knowing final results on the voting day itself is not an exception but the norm. The reason is simple enough, that it is physically impossible to count millions of ballots overnight as votes are cast across 51 states both in person, and by mail.

What the headlines mean, when they say that results will be delayed this year is that there may not be enough information available early enough to call out the polls in favour of one candidate over the other.

Does this mean results will come out later than usual?


The biggest factor that may slow things down this year is clear: Millions of Americans decided to vote by mail rather than risk contracting coronavirus at a polling place. And in general, those mail ballots take longer to count.

Election workers must remove the ballots from their envelopes, check for errors, sort them and flatten them — all before they can be run through scanners the moment polls close and be tabulated. In states with well-established vote-by-mail programs, this processing happens weeks before Election Day. The results are often released quickly.

But several states did not have this system in place before this year and laws on the books prohibited election officials from processing the ballots well in advance of Election Day. Without a head start, there's virtually no way to process and count all the mail votes on Election Day, while also counting all the in-person votes.

There are three important battlegrounds with restrictions on when the mail vote can be processed — Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

In those states, Republican-controlled legislatures have resisted pleas from election officials to update the laws to allow for a speedier count. (The Michigan legislature did allow processing to begin 24 hours before Election Day in cities, but election officials say that's not enough of a head start.) Instead, they will initially report in-person votes — expected to heavily favor Trump — and gradually update with the more Democratic-leaning mail ballots later.

But don't news organisations call a winner before all the vote is counted?

Yes, there's never been a presidential race in history in which all votes are counted on election night. It's just not physically possible to instantly count that many ballots — possibly as many as 150 million on the night of Nov. 3.

Media organizations, including The Associated Press, declare winners in thousands of races on election night based on the results that are in, voter surveys and other political data.

But in a close race, more of the vote may need to be counted before The Associated Press can call a winner.

Is there any hope for knowing the winner on election night?

Sure. Not all battleground states are slow-counting states. So if several key states release their results promptly, one candidate may have a majority of the electoral vote — even without knowing who won in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania or Michigan.

That becomes more likely if the races in those states are not close.

It's a scenario that puts a lot of eyes on Florida. The state allows its election offices to process mail ballots 22 days before the election. It's also the biggest swing state. As long as the race isn't too close — a big “if” in a place famous for tight races — there could be a close-to-complete count by midnight. And if Trump loses Florida, it's is very difficult for him to reach the 270 electoral votes he needs to defeat former Vice President Joe Biden and return to the White House.

Two other Southern battlegrounds — North Carolina and Georgia — also can begin processing mail ballots early. They are both considered critical states for Trump. However, unlike Florida, neither state has a record of handling a large number of mail ballots. It's unclear how quickly they will count those votes.

Finally, two Midwestern states — Iowa and Ohio — also allow for early processing of mail ballots. Trump won both states handily in 2016, but Democrats believe Biden is competitive there. Results in those two states on election night could give hints about what lies ahead in the critical Rust Belt states that take longer to count.

With inputs from AP and AFP

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