Announced back in September, the Apple One subscription plan is now available for users in India. Apple One is a subscription service that bundles the subscription plans of Apple's other services including Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Apple News+, Apple Fitness+, and iCloud. Users can pick the bundles of their choices depending on which services they would like to use. In short, instead of getting subscriptions to different services, you can just get one with all your preferred services.
Apple has announced three different plans for the Apple One:
Individual Plan
The Individual plan includes Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, and 50 GB of iCloud storage for Rs 195 per month
Family Plan
The Family plan includes Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, and 200 GB of iCloud storage for Rs 365 per month, and can be shared among up to six family members.
Premier Plan
The Premier plan (which will not be immediately available for users in India), includes Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Apple News+, Apple Fitness+, and 2 TB of iCloud storage and can be shared among up to six family members.
These services can work on Apple devices including iPhone and iPod touch with iOS 14 or later, iPad with iPadOS 14 or later, Apple TV with tvOS 14 or later and Mac with macOS Big Sur or later. Users will get a 30-day free trial for any services that they don't have subscriptions for. In addition to this, they will also have an option to cancel or change the subscription plan whenever they want.
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